If you're in a self defense situation, chances are it will escalate very rapidly and involve some sort of weapon. Understanding how to use weapons from your environment is key if you're going to prevail and walk home to safety. Environmental weapons include things like a car antenna, broom stick, broken bottle, chair, T-shirt, Bat, Etc.. now I know you might not think of a T-Shirt as a weapon but it can be very effective in close quarter combat. This Course covers several environmental weapons and how to use them!
What are you going to do if you're confronted with violence by multiple attackers?
Unfortunately, you have no control of when a threat may come your way. You can't control how many attackers there are, you can't control the day, time, place, or who you're with. It may come in an instant forcing you to react immediately.
Will you be ready?
Learning how to use different weapons will give you the edge you need to survive multiple attackers. It's extremely difficult to fight two or three people off with just your bare hands.. But, if you had a knife and knew how to use it, you could keep up to 10 people at one time easy!
Let me show you how!
Let me teach you step by step how to use a Staff, Double Stick, Stick and Knife, Double Knife, Flexible Weapons and Environmental Weapons. Learn concepts on how to drill and how to spar. It's time you invest in yourself. Learn how to defend yourself and your family.
The Filipino Martial Arts also know as Kali, Escrima or Arnis has a deep history in Filipino culture. It has been proven in combat as recently as WW2 and used for hundreds of years to defend the various parts of the Filipino Islands. Different styles of FMA exist throughout the Philippines regions of Luzon, Visayas or Mindanao.
With over a 1000 different island that make up the Philippines, it's common to find one style of FMA to be more stick based and another to be more knife or staff. There are 3 main areas of the Filipino Martial Arts they are Kali, Escrima and Arnis. The difference is based on several things such as time period, weapon type and geographical area.
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